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Update Lead Status, make notes and set follow up date
Update Lead Status, make notes and set follow up date

There are a few ways to update the lead's status, notes, and follow up date. This article will show you those ways.

Updated over 5 months ago

Why Updating Lead Information Is Important

When you're keeping track of potential customers, it's important to take notes, update their status, and schedule follow-ups to ensure a smooth sales process. There are two ways to update this information: the Dashboard and the Lead Card's Activity Tab

Dashboard lead updates

Updating Leads From the Dashboard2

Step 1: Locate the Lead on the Dashboard

The dashboard displays a list of upcoming and past-due follow-up times for your leads.

Step 2: Open the Update Window

Find the lead you want to update and click the pencil icon in the lower right corner of the lead card. This will open a window with options to update the lead's status, add notes, and set a follow-up time.

Updating Leads From the Lead Card's Activity Tab

Step 1: Access the Lead Card

You can access the Lead card either from the Lead list, or by clicking on the lead's name on the Dashboard (the name will be in blue text to indicate it is a link).

Step 2: Open the Activities Tab

Once you are in the Lead Card view, click the "Activities" tab. Here, you can see the lead's history and create new updates.

Step 3: Click "Add Activity"

Click the Add Activity button in the top right corner of the Activities tab. This will open the Add Activity window.

Step 4: Update the Lead Status

Click the Update Status field. A menu will appear with various status options; select the appropriate one. Each status is assigned a flag that categorizes the lead as either Open, Approved, or Inactive. These flags help with filtering your lead list and prioritizing active leads in your pipeline.

Step 5: Make Notes

In the Notes field, enter any relevant information about the lead. You don't have to apply a status update or follow-up when making notes; the previous status and follow-up information will remain.

Step 6: Add Additional Emails (Optional)

In the Additional emails field, you can enter other email addresses to receive notifications about lead activity updates.

Step 7: Create a Follow-Up

Click in the Create a follow-up field, select the date from the pop-up calendar, and enter the time.

Step 8: Save Your Changes

Once you have entered all the necessary updates, click Save. The updates will be applied and will appear in the activity log.

PulsePoint Lead Management FAQ

How can I update the status of a lead?

There are two ways to update a lead's status:

  1. From the Dashboard: Locate the desired lead card and click the pencil icon in the lower right corner. This will open a window where you can update the status, add notes, and set a follow-up time.

  2. From the Lead Card Activity Tab: Access the lead card either from the dashboard (by clicking the lead's name) or the lead list. Then, navigate to the "Activities" tab and click the "Add Activity" button. Choose the desired status from the dropdown menu in the "Update Status" field.

What does the status flag on a lead mean?

Each lead status is assigned a flag that categorizes it as Open, Approved, or Inactive. This flag helps you filter your lead list and prioritize active leads in your pipeline.

  • Open: Indicates active leads that require further attention.

  • Approved: Signifies leads that have met specific criteria and are ready for next steps.

  • Inactive: Marks leads that are no longer being pursued.

You can change a lead's flag back to "Open" simply by updating its status to an "Open" status.

Can I add notes to a lead without updating the status or follow-up date?

Yes, you can add notes to a lead without changing the existing status or follow-up information. Simply access the "Activities" tab in the lead card and add your notes in the designated field. The previous status and follow-up date will remain unchanged.

How do I set a follow-up reminder for a lead?

You can set a follow-up reminder through either the dashboard or the lead card.

  • Dashboard: Click the pencil icon on the lead card and select the desired date and time in the follow-up field.

  • Lead Card: In the "Activities" tab, click "Add Activity" and choose the date and time for your follow-up reminder.

Can I send lead activity update notifications to additional email addresses?

Yes, you can include additional email addresses to receive lead activity updates. When adding or updating an activity in the "Activities" tab, use the "Additional emails" field to enter the desired email addresses.

Where can I view the history of updates for a lead?

All activity updates, including status changes, notes, and follow-ups, are logged in the "Activities" tab of the lead card. You can access this tab by clicking on the lead's name in either the dashboard or the lead list.

How do I access the lead card?

There are two ways to access the lead card:

  1. From the Dashboard: Click on the lead's name on the dashboard. This will take you directly to the lead card view.

  2. From the Lead List: Find the lead you are looking for in the lead list and click on it to open the lead card.

What if I need additional assistance with managing leads in PulsePoint?

If you need further assistance, you can contact PulsePoint support by calling 877-844-0032 or emailing

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