Creating an application template

How to create an application template

Updated over a week ago

An application template prefills other applications with data entered into the template.

Creating the application template is simple.

Create Template

  1. Go to Applications

  2. Click the New Application button

  3. Choose sales user and application type

  4. Label the template by filling the template name into the application name field

  5. Check box for "save as template"

  6. Scroll down and click the button to Create Application

  7. Fill out the template with data you want to use to prefill future applications

Use Template

  1. Go to Applications

  2. Click the New Application button

  3. Choose sales user and application type

  4. Name the application

  5. Scroll to the Template prefill option menu and click the menu to view template options and select option

  6. Click button to Create Application and the prefill data is applied

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