Lead Conversion Statistics

See the percentage of your leads converted to accounts as well as the number of touch points taken to convert and days to conversion.

Updated over a week ago

Calculating Lead Conversion Rate with Touchpoints and Days to Conversion

Accessing the lead conversion rate is a great way to measure the success of your sales team and your sales process! There are several factors that go into determining this rate, including lead-to-account conversion percentage, the number of touch points to convert, and days to conversion.

Lead-to-Account Conversion Percentage

This is the percentage of leads that actually end up converting. To calculate this number, divide the total number of leads that have converted into accounts by the total number of leads you've received in the given time period. Multiply this result by 100 to get your conversion rate.

Number of Touch Points to Convert

For each lead that converts into an account, it usually takes several touch points to make sure that they are fully onboarded and ready to use your product or service. To calculate this number, take the total number of touch points across all leads that have converted in the given time period and divide it by the total number of those leads. This will give you the average number of touch points to convert.

Days to Conversion

This is the average number of days it takes for a lead to convert into an account after they've expressed interest. To calculate this number, take the total number of days taken to convert all leads in the given time period and divide it by the total number of those leads. This will give you the average number of days to conversion.

Quickly see the percentage of your leads converted to accounts as well as the number of touch points taken to convert and days to conversion.



  • Total Leads: Sum of all leads active in the report year

  • Average Days to Win/Loss: How many days from when the lead was created until an approved flag or lost flag was applied to the lead. Gives you an average length of the sales process per lead

  • Average Outreach to Win/Loss: The average amount of times a lead was contacted by the sales person per the notes made and status changes applied

  • New: What percentage of the leads that are currently in the New status group

  • Active: Percentage of leads that have not converted to a Win or Loss yet (still in sales process)

  • Approved: Percentage of leads that were converted to approved (Win)

  • Lost: Percentage of leads that moved from Active to a Lost flag (Loss)


  • Y-Axis: Count of leads submitted per month

  • X-Axis: Month to month


  • Merchant: Merchant name from lead

  • Lead Source: Lead source name assigned to lead

  • Lead Submitted Date: Date the lead was created

  • Current Status Date: Date the lead's current status was applied

  • Days from Lead Submitted to Current Status: A count of the days between when the lead was created to when the current status was applied

  • Status Group: The current lead status flag that is applied (New, Active, Lost and Approved)

  • Total Status Changes: A count of the number of status changes that have occurred since the lead was created

  • Head: If there is a head ID assigned to the sales person, the head ID's name would show

  • Salesperson: The name of the sales user assigned to the lead

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