Lead Trends

Monthly and annual trends in number of leads submitted and win/loss percentages.

Updated over a week ago

Understanding Leads Submitted and Win/Loss Percentages

Every month and year, businesses will go through a number of leads submitted and win/loss percentages. It’s important to be familiar with both of these metrics, to help understand where your business stands in the market. This article will provide an overview of how to better understand these trends and how to use them to your advantage.

Overview of Leads Submitted and Win/Loss Percentages

Leads submitted refer to the number of potential customers that have been given a chance to purchase your product or service. This can include cold contacting, or any other strategies used to get potential customers in the pipeline. The win/loss percentages indicate how many potential customers responded positively and made a purchase versus how many declined.

Reporting Leads Submitted and Win/Loss Percentages

For both metrics, businesses tend to focus on the monthly and yearly trends. A business’s monthly lead submissions and win/loss percentages are tracked and reported in the form of tables, graphs, and other visual aids that can be used to quickly identify areas that require improvement.

Use Trends to Your Advantage

Monthly and annual leads submitted and win/loss percentages help businesses gain insights into their customers and the market. Businesses can use this knowledge to create and implement new strategies that will drive more leads, as well as convert more leads into customers. By using and understanding the trends provided, businesses can effectively measure their performance and maximize their potential for success.


Leads submitted and win/loss percentages are important metrics for businesses to track. By understanding the trends and using them to inform their marketing and sales strategies, businesses can achieve success, grow, and increase their profits..



  • YOY Leads received: contrasts the report year to prior year to see if more or less leads were submitted

  • Average number of outreach to Win/Loss: Number of times a note and/or status update was made to a lead before the lead received a loss flag status or an approved flag status

  • Average Days to Win/Loss: Average of days that have gone by since the lead was submitted until the lead received a loss flag status or an approved flag status indicating the average lifespan of a lead/sale

  • In-year Volume YTD: The total volume for the year applied in the Report Year filter

  • In Year Net Revenue YTD: The net revenue for the year applied in the Report Year filter

  • Avg Rev/MID: Total office revenue for mids approved from leads divided by the number of MIDs equaling the average rev per mid


Y-axis: Count of leads submitted

X-axis: Months in the chosen reporting year

Source: The data comes from all the leads generated in the system, their status, and whether or not they are connected to a merchant to reveal revenue data

Legend: The dotted line represents the previous year's lead submitted count, the dark blue bar color represents Leads Submitted by a Lead Source, and the light blue represents leads that were created in house by sales user or by admin users who assigned the leads to sales users

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