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Current Year Lead Source Overview
Current Year Lead Source Overview
Updated over a year ago

An Overview of Lead Source Performance for the Current Year

When evaluating marketing strategies and campaigns, it can be useful to analyze your lead source performance. This metric allows you to assess the effectiveness of a particular advertising or outreach approach and make changes if necessary.

When examining your lead source performance, it is important to consider performance within the current year. This timeframe can give you the most accurate and up-to-date insights into your lead generation success.

Using the right analytics platform, you can gain a comprehensive snapshot of your current year lead source performance. Such a snapshot will provide you with key insights into the success of your individual campaigns and even across different marketing channels. In addition, you can use this data to compare past performance and plan for the future.

By taking a current year snapshot of your lead source performance, you can better understand the impact of your marketing efforts and make wiser choices for allocating resources.


Check the box below the filters to filter for lead sources who are receiving residuals with no new leads in the last 12 months. This is a great way to see who is still receiving commission and who is not producing new business.

Report snapshot

This is a living report, meaning, as changes are made to leads the report will update to reflect those changes if applicable.

  • Lead Source - name of the lead source user account the following columns refer to

  • Lead Source Type - the type category the lead source is assign to

  • Contact - name of the lead source's main contact assigned in Admin > Lead Sources > Edit/create

  • Leads Submitted - Total Lead submitted by the lead source within the specified date range

  • Active Leads - Total of leads whose status has an active flag

  • Approvals - Total of leads whose status has an approved flag implying the lead is converted to a customer

  • Approval % - The number of leads submitted divided by approved leads showcasing the lead source's conversion percentage for the date range

  • Approval % (lifetime) - Omits the date range to show contrast between the lifetime of the lead source and the specified date range

  • Open Merchants - current active merchant count (can change if accounts close)

  • Closures - current closure count (can change if more accounts close)

  • Last Login - Shows the date that the lead source last logged into their user account

  • Salesperson - Shows the salesperson assigned to the lead source in Admin > Lead Sources > Edit/Create.

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