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Volume Trends

current year approvals are adding to your portfolio’s total volume. track average lost volume from closures

Updated over a year ago

Using the Volume Trends Report

The Volume Trends report is designed to help you stay up to date with your portfolio's total volume. Not only can you see your current year approvals, but you can also track average lost volume from any closures so you can be sure you are making up the lost ground.

Accessing the Volume Trends Report

The Volume Trends report can be accessed by visiting the Reports tab on the main navigation menu. Once you are in the Reports section, click the Volume Trends subcategory. This will take you to the Volume Trends page with all the current year statistics.

Interpreting the Volume Trends Report

The Volume Trends report will show you a bar chart of your total approvals and the average lost volume from any closures. This bar chart can be adjusted to display all data from the current year, and past years.



  • YTD Total In Year Volume: Volume total for merchants approved this year

  • YTD Total Volume for All MIDs: A combined volume total for all merchants

  • % of in Year Volume: In year approved merchant volume divided by the combined total volume to create a % of volume for in year approvals. Essentially the % of volume growth for merchants approved this year

  • YTD Elavon Volume: If multiple processor volumes exist each processor's individual volume would display like this... YTD (processor name) Volume


The image above is animated to show how you can hover your pointer for more information and to show how you can click the items in the key to adjust the graph to exclude or include key items.


The Volume Trends report helps you stay up to date with your portfolio's total volume by giving you an overview of your current years approvals and the average lost volume from closures. With this information, you can ensure that you are making up any lost ground.

Use the Volume Trends report to see how your current year approvals are adding to your portfolio’s total volume. The report also tracks average lost volume from closures to see if you are making up lost volume with your new approvals.

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