Understanding Annual & Monthly Year Over Year Approval Trends Grouped by Processor
It can be helpful to identify annual and monthly year over year approval trends grouped by processor in order to better comprehend the financial landscape and make more informed decisions. This article will offer information on understanding annual and monthly year over year approval trends grouped by processor, so you can make the most of the metric.
Analyzing annual and monthly year-over-year approval rates grouped by processor can offer a comprehensive view of an organization's financial health. It can offer a clear understanding of the fluctuations experienced in total processor approval rates, and signal how to best adjust or improve overall financial performance.
Measuring Year Over Year Changes
In order to measure year-over-year changes in processor approval rates, you will first need to calculate the average processor approval rate over a given time period (typically 12 months). Then, you can create a line chart that illustrates approval trends over time. The chart will provide an overview of changes in approval rates throughout the year, and indicate whether approval rates are increasing or decreasing in between months. It can also be used to measure approval rate increases or decreases from one year to the next.
Grouping Approval Rates by Processor
In addition to seeing approval trends over the course of a year, it is useful to group approval rates by processor to gain a better understanding of changes in approval trends. Doing so can show how each processor’s approval rate has shifted overtime compared to the company's overall approval rate. This can aid in further analysis, such as identifying which processors are gaining or losing approval rates and where adjustments may be necessary.
By understanding annual and monthly year over year approval trends grouped by processor, organizations can improve their overall financial performance and make the most of their metrics. With the help of visualizations and analysis, organizations can better understand the nuances of their processor approval trends, and plan accordingly.
Current Month to date: count of current month to date with a comparison increase or decrease compared to same period in the previous year.
YTD: The count from the beginning of the year until present day
Average Spread per Approval: Average of Revenue/Volume for approved merchant within the reporting year
Y-Axis: Approval Count
X-Axis: Months in the reporting year and prior year
Graph Key shows that the graph contains a bar for current year and an overlapping line graph for prior year.