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Do you know where to view Elavon Raw Data Commission files?
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Commission raw data files are imported from Elavon via Varicent each month around the 15-20th and include a past month’s data. For example, you would get August’s commission files around the 15-20th of September. The import includes the Merchant Summary, IC Qualification, Auth Detail, Misc Expense, and the fee report. With the use of these files and the tools in PulsePoint, you will be able to calculate accurate commission reports.
The Merchant Summary file is used to obtain volume and transaction summary information which fills processor summary reports throughout PulsePoint. The fee and expense files denote income and costs items applied to each merchant for the billing month. By using tools in PulsePoint, items in the fee and expense files can be exempted completely or partially from the payee profit bucket.
It is important that you know how to locate three things from these files, 1st the “amount due msp” in the Merchant Summary file is the “gross profit bucket” and the starting amount for calculating commissions. 2nd and 3rd are fee and expense items. Because these are crucial to determining the payee net profit bucket you will need to know how to analyze the files and decide if any items need to be exempt.
Raw Data Files
Raw data files are automatically loaded from the time your PulsePoint system was set up going forward. These files are important to dissecting commissions and creating rules that will determine the correct payee profit bucket.
Who can access Commission Batches: Raw Data Tab?
A Main Division Office Staff user with Admin access who also has the Commission option checked “Yes”
When to take action...
Audit Commission Calculation after running commissions
Locating Items to Exempt prior to calculating commissions
Where are "Raw Data" Files?
Click the Administrator tab, then click the Finance tab, click the Calculated Commissions button, and then click the Raw Data Tab
Log in to PulsePoint. At the bottom left click the Administrator tab. Click the Finance tab, then click the Calculated Commissions button and then click the Raw Data Tab. Select the View Icon to open the file in a table. Hover your pointer over a column header and select the funnel icon to open sort options and a search filter. Above the table you can select [Export Excel] to download the file and view in a spreadsheet.
There are no files are in the Raw Commissions Tab...
Clear all filters
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