Top Ten Lead Sources

Identify your top ten Lead Sources by Leads, Approvals, Merchant Count, Volume and Revenue.

Updated over a week ago

Identifying your top Lead Sources by Leads, Approvals, Merchant Count, Volume and Revenue, is an important part of maintaining an effective lead generation strategy

By analyzing current Lead Sources, and ranking Lead Sources in terms of Leads, Approvals, Merchant Count, Volume and Revenue we will enable you to use the most effective Lead Sources to maximize your success.



The graph will update per the filter selections

  • Y-Axis - shows the name of the lead source with the top ranked per the "rank by" filter at the top

  • X-axis - shows the count of what the lead sources are being ranked by

Table data

Displays top ten lead sources per the filter selections. Column headers do not change.

  • Lead Source - name of the lead source user account the following columns refer to

  • Revenue - total paid from processor for approved merchants assigned to the lead source

  • Volume - total volume for approved merchants assigned to the lead source

  • Open Merchants - current active merchant count (can change if accounts close)

  • Leads Submitted - how many leads submitted within the specified date range

  • Approvals - how many merchants that were approved within the specified date range

  • Approval % - the percentage of merchants that were converted from a lead to a customer. (approvals/leads submitted)

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